How much does an LED Church Sign cost?
When getting a quote from a sign company, consider that the sign company is purchasing the sign from an LED manufacturer and then marking up the price 30-40%, in addition to their installation cost. By working with Church Signs Now, a division of Olympian LED, you are working directly with the manufacturer.
By offering LED signs directly to customers, we greatly reduce the overall cost as often there is a church member that can offer free installation of the sign. If this is not the case, it is still much cheaper to pay a sign company only for the installation rather than paying an inflated price on the digital sign itself.
All LED signs are not created equal. If you see extremely low pricing online you should be skeptical about the quality of the product as well as the reputation of the company that will stand behind the product.
The cost of an LED sign is greatly reduced if you can install it as a retrofit in place of an existing changeable copy sign.
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